Monday, May 31, 2010

NFL Holdouts

We are in the middle of off season OTA's in the NFL and that means rookies that were drafted are trying to prove their worth, undrafted rookie free agents are trying to make the team, and other players are simply holding out. Players are mad because they had a monster year, they packed the stats sheet, they got some Sportscenter face time, and they want to get paid...NOW!

The most newsworthy of the holdouts is Chris Johnson after he rushed for over 2,000 yards this past season with the Titans. Johnson, two years into his NFL career, has proven to be the best running back in the league when it comes to his athleticism, ability, and speed. Now, with all the praise he wants a new contract worth more money and is determined to holdout of OTA's and Training Camp this summer if need be.

As a sports fan I am always saddened to see that players resort to wanting to hold a team hostage because of a contract and salary they have already agreed to and signed off on. Do I think Chris Johnson deserves more money than he will be getting from his current contract? Yes, I do. There is a more respectful way to get the money you think you deserve and that is by honoring your current contract. Show up, attend team activities, bust your ass in practice, and you will get a new contract...that is honorable!

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