Friday, May 21, 2010

USC gets Hammered

According to reports I've heard from the area sports radio shows the NCAA will be punishing USC for Reggie Bush's association with two sports marketing agents that provided him with gifts. The NCAA should have done something about this, lets see....5-6 years ago! Can they drag their feet a little more? Now that Pete Carroll has left USC for the NFL its ironic that punishment will be delivered now, is the NCAA playing favorites?? Carroll at USC equaled interest, ratings, and money. Something to think about. There is talk of the Trojans getting stripped of wins during their Championship season of 2004, you know when they smoked Oklahoma 55-19 and Auburn went undefeated and settled for BCS leftovers.

Bush has already settled with these sports agents and that meant he did not have to get up and testify under oath in a court case. I am no math major but it sounds like some wrong doings occurred and Bush has the finances now to pay off the whistleblowers and avoid disgracing himself in court. Congrats Reggie for costing your team a title and your probably going to lose your Heisman as well.

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