Thursday, August 5, 2010

Titans Training Camp

Yes it is time for football season and training camps have begun from high school to the pro level. Since the heat index is close to inferno and high school teams are confined to the indoors for training I decided to slide down to Nashville after work and check out Titans training camp. This was my first visit to Titans camp ever so I played it safe and got there an hour and a half before practice started to guarantee a good spot.

As I got into Nashville it was a few minutes past 5 p.m. and traffic on I-65 North was backing up but my drive in was smooth as I switched over from the new Buckcherry album and 104.5 The Zone. I stopped at a local Subway off of Rosa Parks Blvd. and grabbed a turkey breast sub. Rap music greeted me as I walked in the doors and as the gentleman was making my sandwich he was bobbing his head to the beat. Extremely great service and very polite guy as I concluded my order and wondered as I walked out the door if rap music at Subways in Bowling Green would catch on?

I was one of the first 20 people in line to practice and grabbed my spot on the fence line and watched as practice began to unfold. Everyone around me was wanting to catch a glimpse of Vince Young and Chris Johnson, always wondering where they were on the field. Then from afar I saw a pair of guns wearing a white and black striped shirt, it was the infamous Ed Hochuli officiating the practice session and probably taking a break from competing in the local Arnold Classic. I also saw Blaine Bishop and Clay Travis of the 3 Hour Lunch show on 104.5 The Zone, Blaine signed autographs after practice and Clay was chatting up the crowd as he walked by. Practice was mainly focused on screen passes and draws, there was a good defensive and offensive line battle that took place in front of me. To sum up the practice session...Chris Johnson is fast and Laggarrete Blount likes to lower his shoulders and bang defenders. It was an overall great experience being that close to the action and watching these athletes get prepared for the upcoming season and since I have attended this, my anticipation level for football to start has increased.

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